Monday, July 23, 2007

What an Iron Man!

Final Time: 16:03:51
Final Feeling: Woo Hoo!!!!!!

So sorry that I didn't post anything last night. When we finally got back to the hotel it was almost 2:00am and we all just kind of fell into bed. Someday I'll tell the story of all the events post-finish. Too much drama, but everyone is just fine now. No worries!

So, by the time Brook came to the finish line, it was after 11:00pm and getting pretty chilly in Lake Placid, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that Brook did it--he finished Iron Man Lake Placid. And he has the t-shirt and the medal to prove it! The end was quite fabulous as Max joined him for the last two miles of the run. Wow.

Here are a few photos from the run and two from just after the finish. The crowd at the line was so huge that I couldn't get a shot of him crossing the line, but we'll order one from the "official" photographer. And, we didn't take photos in the medical tent either. Nobody looks good with an IV and warming blankets, trust me...

So, this is Brook coming in from the first loop of the run:

And this is him heading out for the second loop (long sleeves added--it's getting cold!):

Iron Man!

Iron Man with his boys!
Thank you to one and all for the love, prayers, good wishes and overall support.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Iron Man Update 2

Here’s Brook at approximately mile 100 on the bike! He came past us at about 3:15pm.

Still looking good. He tossed two used water bottles to us as he passed and was all smiles.

When asked, “How you feeling?” he replied, “Fine!”

When asked, "How's your butt?" he replied, "Sore!"

About 12 more miles of biking and then a marathon to run.

More later…

Iron Man Update 1

He's doing really well!!!

The start cannon went off at 7:00am and some 2000 athletes began churning up the waters of Mirror Lake. What chaos! We weren't able to pick him out of the crowd, but we did catch him as he made his was to the transition area. He'll kill us for this, but here is a photo of him heading into T1 (Swim to Bike):

He was out on the bike by about 8:30am and seemed to be quite pleased at that point--check out this smile:

Max caught sight of him again at about 11:05am, just as he rounded the corner by our hotel. (The corner of Routes 86 & 431, I think...) Sadly, Malcolm and I had both just gone inside to use the facilities. Oh well, we'll catch him on the next loop.

Keep cheering. He should be half-way through at about 2:30pm!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Iron Man Lake Placid--Go Brook Go!!!

Hey y'all! Get ready, pray hard, and wish Brook much success in tomorrow's Iron Man Lake Placid! We are all up here now, enjoying the gorgeous scenery and making sure that all is in order for Brook to Swim/Bike/Run tomorrow.

If you want to follow his progress once the race has started (at 7am!), go to this site, and follow the instructions there (his bib number is 1592). You should be able to get split times during the race. He is thinking that he'll finish in about 15 hours, so he should be crossing the finish line at about 10:00pm.

Both Malcolm and I are hoping to get some pictures from the race. If we can find a wireless signal, we'll post during the day.

Oh, and Lake Placid is a really fun place! While Brook was resting today we took a Gondola up Whiteface Mountain (Malcolm had to be the brave one when it stopped mid-ascent and both Max and I started stinks to be afraid of heights...) for some fantastic views of the area. We also hiked along High Mountain Gorge and saw some fab waterfalls. Lots of photos to post sometime soon.

If you want a live update during the race, call my cell phone: 609-651-4921.