Iron Man Update 1
He's doing really well!!!
The start cannon went off at 7:00am and some 2000 athletes began churning up the waters of Mirror Lake. What chaos! We weren't able to pick him out of the crowd, but we did catch him as he made his was to the transition area. He'll kill us for this, but here is a photo of him heading into T1 (Swim to Bike):
He was out on the bike by about 8:30am and seemed to be quite pleased at that point--check out this smile:Max caught sight of him again at about 11:05am, just as he rounded the corner by our hotel. (The corner of Routes 86 & 431, I think...) Sadly, Malcolm and I had both just gone inside to use the facilities. Oh well, we'll catch him on the next loop.
Keep cheering. He should be half-way through at about 2:30pm!
Wow!! Brook, we're so proud of you and we think you look very sassy in that speedo! Very sad to be missing this in person, but are cheering for you every minute.
Sarah and John
Hey, Brook!
Keep going; you look great on the web!
Jane, Tom, and the ABC Girls
It's quarter past one a.m. and no word of how the Iron Man concluded. Can't sleep, and so am sending my prayers and good thoughts to Brook and Anne Marie, Malcolm and Max. Sorry that we couldn't be with you in Lake Placid for this momentous occasion. No news is good news, I guess, so will sign off believing that all went well and Brook finished in good style. Love to all from MA.
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